Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracAdmin
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v1 v2 1 = TracAdmin = 1 = TracAdmin 2 3 [[PageOutline(2-5, Contents, pullout)]] 2 4 [[TracGuideToc]] 3 5 4 Trac is distributed with a powerful command-line configuration tool. This tool can be used to configure and customize your Trac-installation to better fit your needs.6 Trac is distributed with a powerful command-line configuration tool. This tool can be used to configure and customize your Trac installation to better fit your needs. 5 7 6 Some of th ose operations can also be performed via the ''Admin'' web interface, an updated version of the [trac:WebAdmin] plugin now integrated within Trac (since version 0.11).8 Some of the configurations can also be performed via the web administration module. 7 9 8 == Usage ==10 == Usage 9 11 10 For nearly every `trac-admin` command, you'll need to specify the path to the TracEnvironment that you want to administer as the first argument, for example:11 {{{ 12 trac-admin /path/to/projenv wiki list12 For nearly every `trac-admin` command, the first argument must be the path to the TracEnvironment: 13 {{{#!sh 14 $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv wiki list 13 15 }}} 14 16 15 The only exception is for the `help` command, but even in this case if you omit the environment, you'll only get a very succinct list of commands (`help` and `initenv`), the same list you'd get when invoking `trac-admin` alone.16 Also, `trac-admin --version` will tell you about the Trac version (e.g. 0.12) corresponding to the program.17 The only exception is for the `help` command, but even in this case, if you omit the environment you will only get a very succinct list of commands (`help` and `initenv`), the same list you would get when invoking `trac-admin` alone. 18 `trac-admin --version` will tell you about the Trac version (e.g. 1.2) corresponding to the program. 17 19 18 If you want to get a comprehensive list of the available commands and sub-commands, you need to specify an existingenvironment:19 {{{ 20 trac-admin /path/to/projenv help20 To get a comprehensive list of the available command and sub-command, specify the path to an environment: 21 {{{#!sh 22 $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv help 21 23 }}} 22 24 23 Some commands have a more detailed help, which you can access by specifying the command's name as a subcommand for `help`: 24 25 {{{ 26 trac-admin /path/to/projenv help <command> 25 Some commands have more detailed help, which you can access by specifying the command's name as a subcommand for `help`: 26 {{{#!sh 27 $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv help <command> 27 28 }}} 28 29 29 === `trac-admin <targetdir> initenv` === #initenv 30 When an error occurs in a `trac-admin` command the return value will be `2` and error messages are printed to `stderr`. 30 31 31 This subcommand is very important as it's the one used to create a TracEnvironment in the specified `<targetdir>`. That directory must not exist prior to the call. 32 === `trac-admin <targetdir> initenv` #initenv 33 34 This subcommand is very important as is the one used to create a TracEnvironment in the specified `<targetdir>`. That directory must not exist prior to the call. 32 35 33 36 [[TracAdminHelp(initenv)]] 34 37 35 It supports an extra `--inherit` option, which can be used to specify a global configuration file which can be used share settings between several environments. You can also inherit from a shared configuration afterwards, by setting the `[inherit] file` option in the `conf/trac.ini` file in your newly created environment, but the advantage of specifying the inherited configuration file at environment creation time is that only the options ''not'' already specified in the global configuration file will be written in the createdenvironment's `conf/trac.ini` file.38 It supports the `--inherit` option, which specifies a global configuration file for sharing settings between several environments. You can also inherit from a shared configuration afterwards, by setting the `[inherit] file` option in the `conf/trac.ini` file in your newly created environment. The advantage of specifying the inherited configuration file at environment creation time is that only the options ''not'' specified in the global configuration file will be written to the environment's `conf/trac.ini` file. 36 39 See TracIni#GlobalConfiguration. 37 40 38 Note that in version 0.11 of Trac, `initenv` lost an extra last argument `<templatepath>`, which was used in previous versions to point to the `templates` folder. If you are using the one-liner '`trac-admin /path/to/trac/ initenv <projectname> <db> <repostype> <repospath>`' in the above and getting an error that reads ''''`Wrong number of arguments to initenv: 4`'''', then this is because you're using a `trac-admin` script from an '''older''' version of Trac. 41 == Interactive Mode 39 42 40 == Interactive Mode == 43 `trac-admin` starts in interactive mode when the environment path is the only argument. 44 Commands can then be executed on the selected environment using the prompt, which offers tab-completion 45 when the Python `readline` module is available. It also offers automatic repetition of the last command issued. 41 46 42 When passing the environment path as the only argument, `trac-admin` starts in interactive mode. 43 Commands can then be executed on the selected environment using the prompt, which offers tab-completion 44 (on non-Windows environments, and when the Python `readline` module is available) and automatic repetition of the last command issued. 47 The `readline` module should be available on all Unix-compatible platforms. For Windows, support can be obtained by installing [ pyreadline]. 45 48 46 Once you 're in interactive mode, you can also get help on specific commands or subsets of commands:49 Once you are in interactive mode, you can also get help on specific commands or subsets of commands: 47 50 48 51 For example, to get an explanation of the `resync` command, run: 49 {{{ 50 >help resync52 {{{#!sh 53 $ help resync 51 54 }}} 52 55 53 56 To get help on all the Wiki-related commands, run: 54 {{{ 55 >help wiki57 {{{#!sh 58 $ help wiki 56 59 }}} 57 60 58 == Full Command Reference ==61 == Full Command Reference 59 62 60 You 'll find below the detailed help for all the commands available by default in `trac-admin`. Note that this may not match the list given by `trac-admin <yourenv> help`, as the commands pertaining to components disabled in that environment won't be available and conversely some plugins activated in the environment canadd their own commands.63 You will find below the detailed help for all the commands available by default in `trac-admin`. Note that this may not match the list given by `trac-admin <yourenv> help`, as the commands pertaining to components disabled in that environment won't be available and conversely some plugins activated in the environment may add their own commands. 61 64 62 65 [[TracAdminHelp()]] 63 66 64 67 ---- 65 See also: Trac Guide, TracBackup, TracPermissions, TracEnvironment, TracIni, [trac:TracMigrate TracMigrate]68 See also: TracBackup, TracEnvironment, TracIni, [trac:TracMigrate TracMigrate]