== グリッパー / gripper == 世界大会のルールと同様です. https://github.com/robocup-logistics/rcll-rulebook/blob/master/rulebook.tex > The robots peripherals must not exceed the maximum total height of > \SI{1.1}{\metre} including the tower and the table on top. 高さは,一応,1.1mが規定です. > Additional > hardware (sensors, computing equipment, etc.) must be within a circle > of a diameter of \SI{0.55}{\metre} or centered at the robot's rotational > center-point. 追加機器は,ロボットの中心を通る0.55mの直径以内に設置すること. (Robotino 3の直径が40cm程度ですので,5cm程度のはみ出しが可能) > Additional hardware may only occupy up to $25\%$ of this > additional \SI{0.05}{\metre} wide ring around the > robot. 追加機器は,この追加の5cmの外周のうち,25%以内に抑えること. > In the resting > position and while driving it also must not exceed the robot diameter by > more than this 5cm, including workpiece. 通常時や走行時は,この5cmのはみ出し以内に抑えていること. > In front of a machine and during a production process, the gripper may > be extended up to 30cm. But it is only allowed to reach a maximum of > 15cm into the machine area. MPSの正面で生産作業をするときは,グリッパーは30cmまで伸びて良い. しかし,MPSの領域には行って良いのは最大15cmまでである.[[br]] (30cmは,MPSとRobotino 間の距離が少しある場合を考慮していますね)