Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of robocupLogisticsLeague/JapanOpen2024/rulebook

Mar 12, 2024, 11:32:36 AM (7 months ago)
shohei (IP:



  • robocupLogisticsLeague/JapanOpen2024/rulebook

    v16 v17  
    3939=== 1. Navigation Challenge ===
    4040 * Navigation Challengeは,RefBoxで指定された12個のゾーンを巡る.MPSの数は2台,3台,4台,4台(+1台)がある.
     41 > Drive to 12 randomly generated target zones.
     42 > A number of available machines is 2, 3, 4 or 4(+1).
    4143 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    4244 > The score distribution table is the following.
    5052=== 2. Exploration Challenge ===
    5153 * Exploration Challenge は,RefBoxで指定された場所に配置されたMPSの種類と向きを報告する.MPSの数は2台,3台,4台がある.
     54 > Find and report all machines on the field (type and orientation).
     55 > A number of machines is 2, 3 or 4.
    5256 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    5357 > The score distribution table is the following.
    5963=== 3. Grasping Challenge ===
    6064 * Grasping は,OutputのワークをInputに運ぶことを3回実施し,MPSの数(というかRobotinoの数)は1台,2台,3台がある.
     65 > A robot brings a base from one machine's output back to its input.
     66 > Repeat until all products were placed at the respective machines input 3 times and all robots returned to their starting positions.
     67 > A number of machines is 1, 2, or 3.
    6168 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    6269 > The score distribution table is the following.
    6976=== 4. Product Challenges ===
    7077 * Product Challengeは,全ての注文を作成する.ワークの種類は,C0,C1,C2,C3がある.MPSの数は2台,3台,4台がある.
     78 > Produce all posted orders.
     79 > The available complexities are C0, C1, C2 and C3.
     80 > A number of machines is 2, 3, or 4.
    7181 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    7282 > The score distribution table is the following.
    8191=== 5. Exploration + Production Challenges ===
    8292 * Exploration + Production Challengesは,Production Challengesと同じく,全ての注文を作成するが,MPSの位置はロボットに伝えられない.
     93 > The same challenge as Product Challenges but without receiving the machine positions.
    8394 * 得点は,Production Challengesの対応する点数に5点追加した点数となる.
     95 > The same point scores as Product Challenges apply with an additional +5 per challenge.
    8496 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    8597 > The score distribution table is the following.
    94106=== 6. Simulation Challenge ===
    95  * Simulation Challengeは,全てRCLL Simulator上で行い,C3を配達する.
     107 * Simulation Challengeは,全て[ RCLL Simulator]上で行い,C3を配達する.
     108 > In this Challenge a full game has to be played using the [ RCLL Simulator].
     109 > The goal is to deliver a C3.
    96110 * ロボットの数は,2台,3台がある.
     111 > Either two or three robots have to be used, each of them has to perform at least one retrieve and one deliver task.
    97112 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    98113 > The score distribution table is the following.
    103118=== 7. Markerless Detection Challenge ===
    104119 * Markerless Detection Challengeは,異なる型のMPSを分類する.
     120 > Image recognition challenge to classify different machine types.
    105121 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    106122 > The score distribution table is the following.