Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of robocupLogisticsLeague/JapanOpen2024/rulebook

03/19/24 23:13:24 (12 months ago)



  • robocupLogisticsLeague/JapanOpen2024/rulebook

    v23 v24  
    5353 > Drive to 12 randomly generated target zones.
    5454 > A number of available machines is 2, 3, 4 or 4(+1).
    55  *
     55 * Setup phaseでは,審判がMPSを配置するが,MPSの配置に関するルールに従わなければならない.
    5656 > The placement of this machine is decided by the referee in the setup phase but must be in accordance with the general rules for placing machines.
     57 * 複数のロボットを同時に使用して,複数の目標ゾーンに到達してもよい.
     58 > Multiple robots may be used to simultaneously to reach multiple target zones.
    5759 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    5860 > The score distribution table is the following.
    7173 * ロボットは,MPSを発見してrefboxに報告する必要がある.
    7274 > Robots need to discover their machines and report them to the refbox.
     75 * refboxは,Exploration phaseに設定する.
     76 > This challenge needs to be run by setting the refbox to phase EXPLORATION.
    7377 * [ MachineReport]メッセージを使って,refboxへ報告する.
    7478 > Reports are issued to the refbox using a [ MachineReport] message.
    7579 * 各MPSは,名前によって特定され,設置されているゾーンと向きが探索できる.ゾーンと向きは一度に同じメッセージで報告することも,複数のメッセージに分けて報告することもできる.refboxは,最初に報告された各値のみを受け取る.
    76  > For each machine, identified by its name, both its zone and its orientation (in degrees) can be explored. Both properties can be submitted at the same time in one message or be split up into multiple messages. The refbox accepts only the first submitted value for each property.
     80 > For each machine, identified by its name, both its zone and its orientation (in degrees) can be explored. Both properties can be submitted at the same time in one message or be split up into multiple messages. The refbox accepts only the first submitted value for each property. 
    7781 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    7882 > The score distribution table is the following.
    8791 > Repeat until all products were placed at the respective machines input 3 times and all robots returned to their starting positions.
    8892 > A number of machines is 1, 2, or 3.
     93 * 各MPSの出力側にはワークがあり,ロボットはMPSの出力側の前のゾーンからスタートする.
     94 > Each Machine has a base at output. Robots start at the zone in front of a machine output.
     95 * すべてのロボットがワークをMPSの入力側に少なくともi回置いた時,i回の繰り返しがなされたと見なされる.
     96 > The i-th repetition is considered to be successful, once all bases were placed at the respective machine input at least i times.
     97 * BSはM-Z12,CS1はM-Z53,RS1はM-Z25に設置される.
     98 > BS is placed at M-Z12, CS1 is placed at M-Z53 and RS1 is placed at M-Z25.
    8999 * 配点表は,以下の通りである.
    90100 > The score distribution table is the following.