Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of robocupLogisticsLeague/JapanOpen2024/rulebook
- Timestamp:
- 03/22/24 22:56:09 (12 months ago)
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v27 v28 34 34 ---- 35 35 == タスク == 36 * タイムスロットについて 37 > About time slot 38 * 1スロット30分で,各チーム,順番にスロットを割り当てます. 39 > The 1 slot is 30 minutes. The slots are assigned to each slot in order. 36 40 * 競技への再挑戦について 37 41 > About retring the competition 38 * 30分以内であれば競技への再挑戦が可能で あり,30分を越えたら再度競技の選択から行う形を取って下さい.39 > A team may retry the competition within 30 minutes , and if the time exceeds 30 minutes, a team must start from the selection of the competition again.40 * 具体的には,機器などの配置をやり直さない/やり直すの違いになります.41 > The difference is that a team chooses not to reset the machines, etc. or to reset them.42 * 30分以内であれば競技への再挑戦が可能です. 43 > A team may retry the competition within 30 minutes. 44 * 再挑戦時は,Refboxの設定はそのまま再利用し,モードは,SETUP PHASEにします. 45 > When retrying, RefBox settings are reused without modification and RefBox mode is set to SETUP PHASE. 42 46 * ただし,競技への再挑戦時にプログラムの修正は認めません. 43 > However, no modifications to the program will be allowed when youretry the competition.44 * 修正が必要な場合は, 次のスロットとしての実施となります.45 > If a modification is necessary, it will be performed in the next slot.47 > However, no modifications to the program will be allowed when teams retry the competition. 48 * 修正が必要な場合は,RefBoxを再起動して,機器を再配置します. 49 > If a modification is necessary, the RefBox needs to be restarted and the machines needs to be relocated. 46 50 * MPSの配置に関する原則 47 51 > General rules for placing machines. 48 * MPSの配置については,入力側,出力側,棚,スライドが到達可能になるように, refboxが必要な制約を行います.49 > For placing of machines, the refbox will take care of the necessary constraints to ensure that all input and output sides, shelves and slides are reachable.52 * MPSの配置については,入力側,出力側,棚,スライドが到達可能になるように,RefBoxが取り扱います. 53 > For placing of machines, the RefBox will take care of the necessary constraints to ensure that all input and output sides, shelves and slides are reachable. 50 54 51 55 === 1. Navigation Challenge ===