Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of robocupLogisticsLeague/2021RCAP/rulebook
- Timestamp:
- 11/24/21 19:20:35 (3 years ago)
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v4 v5 50 50 = Competition Area / 競技エリア = 51 51 == Field Layout / フィールドのレイアウト == 52 [[Image(figure1.jpg, 320px, align=right)]] 52 53 The competition area for the main challenges consists of a 5x5 [m] 53 54 area divided in square zones of 1x1 [m]. Additional challenges that … … 56 57 regular RCLL field). 57 58 The field is a subset of the magenta-half of the regular field as depicted 58 in Figure 1. 59 60 \begin{figure} 61 \centering 62 \begin{tikzpicture}[x=-1cm,y=1cm] 63 \fill[gray!50!white] (2,0) rectangle (5,1); 64 \node at (3.5,0) [anchor=south, font=\tiny, inner sep=1pt] {Insertion Zone}; 65 \foreach \i in {0,...,5} { 66 \draw (0,\i) -- (5,\i); 67 \draw (\i,0) -- (\i,5); 68 } 69 \foreach \i in {1,...,3} { 70 \node at (1.5+\i,0.5) [circle,fill=magenta, draw=black,inner sep=0.2cm] {}; 71 } 72 \foreach \x in {1,...,5} { 73 \foreach \y in {1,...,5} { 74 \node[font=\tiny,anchor=north west, inner sep=1pt] at (\x,\y) {M\_Z\x\y}; 75 } 76 } 77 \node at (0,0) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, 78 label={[font=\scriptsize]-45:$(0,0)$}]{}; 79 \node at (5,0) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, 80 label={[font=\scriptsize]225:$(-5,0)$}]{}; 81 \node at (5,5) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, 82 label={[font=\scriptsize]135:$(-5,5)$}]{}; 83 \node at (0,5) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, 84 label={[font=\scriptsize]45:$(0,5)$}]{}; 85 \draw[line width=2pt,red,->] (0,0) -- node[above left,pos=1] {$x$} (-1.5,0); 86 \draw[line width=2pt,red,->] (0,0) -- node[below left,pos=1] {$y$} (0,1.5); 87 \end{tikzpicture} 88 \caption{The \SI{5 x 5}{\metre} playing field.} 89 \label{fig:challenge-field} 90 \end{figure} 59 in Figure 1.[[br]] 60 メイン課題の競技エリアは,5x5 [m] のエリアで1x1 [m] の正方形で分割されています. 61 競争の得点にカウントされない追加のチャレンジは,代わりに7x8 [m]のフィールドで実行します(通常のRoboCup Logistics League(RCLL)のフィールドの半分に対応します). 62 このフィールドは,図1に示すように、通常のフィールドのマゼンタ側の半分です. 91 63 92 64 The entire area belongs to a single team. The bottom left-most 93 \SI{1 x 3}{\metre}area is called the insertion zone and provides the starting65 1x3 [m] area is called the insertion zone and provides the starting 94 66 positions for up to three robots. 95 67 Contrary to the full RCLL field, it is not necessary to build partial walls 96 68 around the insertion zone and robots may be move freely in and out of the 97 insertion zone. 69 insertion zone.[[br]] 70 エリア全体が1つのチームに割り当てられています. 71 左下の1x3 [m]の領域は挿入ゾーンと呼び,最大3台のロボットの開始位置になります. 72 通常のRCLLのフィールドとは異なり,挿入ゾーンの周囲に部分的な壁を構築する必要はなく,ロボットは挿入ゾーンの内外を自由に移動できます. 98 73 99 74 Teams can play as either cyan or magenta, but the field is always the magenta 100 75 one depicted in \reffig{fig:challenge-field}. Machine positions published by 101 76 the refbox place the machines of both teams on the same location (e.g., M-BS 102 and C-BS are both placed at $\texttt{M\_Z12}$ in the field of 103 \reffig{fig:grasping-field}). 77 and C-BS are both placed at M_Z12 in the field of Figure 2. 104 78 105 79 == Mockup Machines ==